Thursday, October 18, 2007

Preventing Damage From Wildfires

If you live in an area that is prone to wildfires, such as certain areas of California, you should do what you can to protect your home from them. While it may seem pretty hopeless once a wildfire is on a path that will go straight through your home, there are some things that you can do to try and minimize the damage.

The first thing that you can do if you own your home is to outfit it with fire resistant materials. The roof is perhaps the most important surface that you should take care of, since it is the largest surface of the home that is exposed to sparks of fire that have become airborne. If there is a wildfire near your house, you should take your water hose and keep the roof wet as much as possible to stop this threat. Fire-resistant roofing materials are large in number and include tile, metal, and fiberglass. Any oil-based roofing material should be replaced and wooden shingles are a disaster waiting to happen.

Fire-resistant materials should also be used to build the walls and windows of the house, since this can impede the spreading of the fire to the interior. Stone, metal, and brick offer a decent amount of protection, but vinyl siding and wood provide extremely little. The windows are important because heat will radiate inside the house and possibly set drapes on fire, so having smaller windows in homes that are at risk is a good idea.

Another thing that you can do to your lawn if a wildfire is nearby is wetting it with the water hose. This can also slow the fire’s spread to your house some. Do not allow dead leaves and other debris to build up in the yard during wildfire season and try to get rid of any tree branches that are hanging over your house. You can even go as far as to have these trees that are close to your home removed, but that is a personal preference. It will help, but some people may not want to sacrifice them.

If you have to evacuate, realize that you cannot take everything with you. Take only the most important valuables and get out as soon as you can. If you have time and are leaving voluntarily, take the opportunity to wet your yard, roof, and the exterior of your house again. This is pretty much all you can do at this point and the rest is in the hands of nature.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
flood water damage restoration chicago and other states such as
South Carolina mold remediation companies across the united states.

Waterproofing Your Basement

No matter what you use the basement of your home for, odds are pretty good that a leak would be a sizeable issue for you. You might have old furniture or other belongings down there or you might use it as a guest bedroom or just a playroom for the kids. Getting rid of the leak should be the first thing on your mind, but preventing future leaks should be a close second and there are a few different ways that you can do this.

Leaking plumbing needs to be replaced as soon as possible and the pipes need to be insulated to prevent condensation from building up on them and dripping onto the floor.

Wet basements are usually caused by water leaking in around the corners. This happens mostly after there has been a heavy rain or a heavy snowfall that starts to melt. This water will collect around the foundation of the home and causes pressure on the walls and as the walls give, the water is forced through that joint.

Finding out if the problem comes from the outside or the inside is not difficult to do. To determine which it is, you need to duct tape a piece of aluminum foil to the wall in your basement that is most prone to being wet and you should make sure that this is as airtight as possible. Wait a few days and check which side of the foil is wet. If it is the inside, then the problem is coming from the outside and if it is the outside, then your problem lies with condensation. Check out getting a dehumidifier to help fix this problem and do your best to lower the humidity in your basement. Install a vent so steam from a dryer or a shower that you may have down there will have a place to go. You should also never hang clothes up to dry in your basement.

Something else that you can do is install downspout extensions to help the water flow away from your home instead of settling down around the foundation in a pocket that will cause the aforementioned seepage.

Waterproofing paint or other compounds can be applied to areas of the home where occasional seepage occurs and it will be enough to keep the area dry. Determine the limitations of the waterproofing product that you choose and know just what you can expect from it.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Sewage Damage Cleanup and other states such as
South Carolina mold remediation companies across the united states.

Wet Basement Tips

Maybe you use your basement for storage or maybe it is used as a family recreation area or even perhaps contains an extra bedroom. No matter what you use your basement for, what you really do not want is to have leaks in it. It usually creates an odor or causes mold to grow on some of the property that you may have down there and most of us are aware that any mold growing in our homes is undesirable. There are quite a few things that you can do to waterproof your basement, though, and most of them are pretty easy.

Basements are most likely to leak around the joints where the wall and the floor meet up and this is especially true after a heavy rain or when a heavy blanket of snow starts to melt around your home. This makes up about 90 percent of all the leaks that occur in basements. What happens here is that the surface water, like rain or melting snow, collects and builds up around the foundation of the home. This is forced through the joint where the wall and the floor come together. One of the best ways to prevent this is to make sure that the ground on the outside of your home slopes away from it, so that water is directed out toward the outer edges of your lawn instead of toward your basement. The slope should be extended for at least ten feet and up about one inch per foot.

Downspout extensions can also be installed for the same purpose of taking water away from your foundation. Rain gutters also need to be cleaned out regularly. If you do not have rain gutters, you should install some. This prevents water from falling off your roof and directly to the base of your home.

The windows to your basement also need protected. Installing windows that are properly sealed and installing window wells will prevent this.

Stopping water from condensing around the pipes and other cold surfaces in your basement can be done by insulating the pipes and also by controlling the ventilation in the room. Humidity should also be lowered if you are experiencing condensation build-up on windows.

Something that should never be done is hanging up wet laundry in the basement to dry. This will build up the humidity that you are trying to get rid of.

Any plumbing that is leaking should be repaired immediately and if necessary, a dehumidifier should be installed in the basement to lower the moisture content of the air. This should help keep your basement feeling dry.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
flood water damage restoration chicago and other states such as
New Jersey mold remediation contractor companies across the united states.

Cleaning Up Sewage From Your Home

Sewage damage to your home during a flood is a serious risk and if it is not taken care of properly, you may become very sick if you live in the home before it is properly cleaned up. Sewage will ALWAYS contain bacteria that cause all kinds of diseases, viruses, and other microorganisms that will cause you to become sick. As soon as the sewage and flood water has receded away from the home, you can begin cleaning it up. You must not allow the sewage to remain in your home any longer than necessary or it will possibly cause irreparable damage.

Proper protection equipment is essential when you are dealing with sewage damaged items. Always wear latex rubber gloves while you are working or do not help with the clean up process. A trick to help keep the gloves from sticking to your hands is to pour a small amount of baby powder inside them before you put them on. Rubber boots that are leak proof should also be worn to keep your feet dry and safe from the infected waters that may still be in your home.

Items that you will need for the cleaning process will be mops, brooms, sponges, buckets, a water hose, disinfectant products, and trash bags.

There are a few different items that you will throw away about 99 percent of the time once they have become contaminated with sewer water. These include large areas of carpet and carpet padding, food, books and other papers, foam rubber, and insulation. Porous toys must be thrown away, such as stuffed animals. Couches and chairs, mattresses, pillows, medicines, medical supplies, and cosmetics must also be thrown away. If it is porous, it must be thrown away.

Cleaning up the sewage is the next step. Using two buckets, one for cleaner-treated water and the other for rinsing water, you should do this one room at a time. Wash the surface you wish to start with and once you have gone over it one time, rinse your rag or mop in the rinse water. Do not re-insert it back into your cleaning water until you have rinsed it. Replace the rinsing water often.

After you clean an entire room, you should go over it again with a disinfectant. You may also have to deal with mold. Porous items with mold on them should be thrown away.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut water damage restoration contractors and other states such as
North Carolina mold remediation contractor companies across the united states.

Cleaning Up Smoke Damage

Fire is a veritable nightmare for any property owner, whether it is an apartment complex, a house, a business, or even just a piece of land. It can be devastating, but the most danger and expense usually comes from fires that affect the inside of a home or other building. These can wreak havoc on the lives of those who live in the home or even just the person renting it out, depending on whose fault the fire was, if it was anyone’s fault. There are a few things that you should do and not do if your house is the victim of a fire in order to clean up, especially if you cannot hire a restoration company to help you do so.

First, let us talk about the things that you really should do.

If you have pets in the home, you should remove them and get them to a safe environment as quickly as possible after the fire is out. You should not allow your pets, especially birds, to re-enter the home until the damage is taken care of. Birds are especially sensitive to smoke and other gases, so getting them removed from the home is very important to prevent the loss of life.

Open the windows and allow the air from outside to circulate. This will help get rid of the smell of smoke in the home. If your vacuum cleaner made it out of the fire or preferably if you have access to someone else’s, then using this to collect soot and other particles from your carpets, curtains, and upholstery should be the next thing that you do.

If you have plants, wash them completely in water and make sure that soot and other particles are not allowed to stay on them for long.

The things that you should not do should start with not using any electrical appliances (including your vacuum cleaner) until they have been checked and cleaned.

Do not attempt to clean porous surfaces like your ceilings and walls.

Sitting down on any furniture in your home that is upholstered (i.e. porous) is not recommended until they have been vacuumed and covered with plastic.

Any food items that were in the home at the time of the fire should be thrown away. This includes canned goods.

These tips are designed with your safety and your home’s restoration in mind. There may be other things that a restoration company could do to help you and in some cases, hiring a professional is the best thing that you can do. Weigh the pros and cons of hiring a professional and then decide what is best for you. Dealing with a home that has been water damaged due to the water from fire trucks is also another matter to contend with. Always consider hiring a professional to deal with extensive damage.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Mold Remediation and other states such as
New Jersey Sewage Damage Cleanup companies across the united states.